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Longtime Companion (1990)
Shortly after finishing Tour of Duty, Stephen starred as an entertainment attorney named Fuzzy in the well acclaimed movie Longtime Companion. The movie was targeted at educating the audience to the horrific plights of Aids patients. It was a movie dated in the early 80's just as the discovery of the Aids virus became public.

Stephen's great acting ability again was manifested in this movie which was acclaimed as "The Best American Movie of the Year" by Rolling Stone Magazine.

(About Longtime Companion)"The performances are mostly serviceable, but a few stand out. Stephen Caffrey has an engaging sweetness as Fuzzy, the young entertainment lawyer at the center of the story."
Oliver Glieberman, Entertainment Weekly 5-11-90

To see a video clip of Stephen as "Fuzzy" in this movie click on the link below.

You will need RealPlayer G2 to play this video also.

Fuzzy discussing one of his clients with a producer

Fuzzy doing his "Dreamgirls" impersonation

** If you having technical problems viewing these real player videos it may be because you need to update your realmedia player. Or click HERE for info on how to set configure your browser to view real medial files.

Reviews of Longtime Companion
By Roger Ebert

By Videoflicks

By Chris Hicks, movie critic of the Deseret News

Click HERE for an article about the making of Longtime Companion
(if you are an IE 5.0 user and the page is blank use the refresh on your toolbar & it will load)

Where you can purchase this video
Longtime Companion is now for sale on DVD & VSH at and Best Buy stores.

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